Dan Strickler
Director, Cameraman, Editor, Actor
Video Services
Freelance Shooter
These days, Dan is primarily a freelance cameraman and as such has worked on both corporate and event shoots for over thirty video production companies in New York and New Jersey. Now, located in Philadelphia, he is available for work in the greater Philadelphia area. Rate sheet available upon request.
He comes to his assignments armed with a variety of cameras, both DSLR and video. Along with the camera gear he has a full array of lighting and sound equipment. A full equipment list is available upon request.
Other Services
On a limited basis, Dan is still available to produce, write, direct and edit video productions. Please contact Dan to discuss your project.
about DAN
Freelance cameraman for corporate & event video production
Shifting Focus
Dan started his career as an actor, performing in theater as well as film and televison. Eventually, he moved from in front of the camera to behind the lens, both shooting and directing. Along the way he worked for ESPN, ABC and VUE, an emmy award-winning production company he helped to create.
As an event videographer, Dan has shot weddings, bar mitzvahs, retirement and corporate parties. As a freelance cameraman, he has worked with well over thirty production companies in the New York and New Jersey area.
Working with Dave Hall of Davideo Multimedia LLC, Dan has produced and directed award-winning event and training videos. Their instructional video Camera Command has been widely viewed by videographers across the United States and Canada.
As a teacher, Dan created and conducted workshops throughout New York and New Jersey on "Acting for the Camera", "Acting in Commercials" and a filmmaking workshop for elementary school students. For two seasons, he coordinated the video programs for the New Jersey Teen Arts Festival. He has conducted numerous workshops for the New Jersey Videographer's Association (NJVA), and "Camera Command Live" for WEVA and the 4 Ever Group. Until his recent move to Philadelphia, he was a long-time member of NJVA, serving for many years on the board and as vice-president. He is currently a member of the Greater Philadelphia Videographers Association (GPVA)
Wedding Demo
Canon C100
All footage was shot on the C100
Camera/editing: Dan Strickler
Bachmann Strauss Foundation
Symposium Promotional Video
Producer/Director/ Principal Camera: Dan Strickler
Princeton Lacrosse Alumni Association
Bryce Chase Tribute Video
This video celebrates the 50 year association of Mr.Chase as player and coach with the Princeton Lacrosse Team.
Producer/Director/Camera: Dan Strickler
Actors in Practice
Pilot Project
Penn State graduate acting students reunite after 35 years to work again with their teacher, Richard Edelman.
Producer/Director/Principal Camera: Dan Strickler
Sally & Matt's Wedding
The wedding was held at the Plaza Hotel in New York City
Producer/Director/Editor: Dan Strickler
Camera: Dan Strickler & Suzi Francese
Glenwood School - Short Hills, NJ
Winter Concert
Camera/Editing: Dan Strickler
Camera Command
Instructional Video Promo
In six easy lessons, this video explains how basic photographic principles can be applied to the video camera.
Camera: Dave Hall
Actors: Whitney Rydbeck, Dan Strickler
Fieldston Choral Society
Spring Concert
Choral Society Director: Kathleen Hayes
Camera: Dan Strickler
Producer/Editor: Dan Strickler
Dan was born and raised in Southern California. He caught the acting bug in high school, usually playing the old-man roles. He majored in theater at California State University at Fullerton. Before moving east for graduate school, he performed with the South Coast Repertory Theater and the Pacific Conservatory for the Performing Arts. He moved to Philadelphia to enroll in the MFA Professional Actor Training Program at Temple University, under the leadership of Dugald MacArthur. . Shortly after graduation, he moved to New York and almost immediately, was fortunate enough to land his first Equity job. While living in Manhattan, he performed in numerous plays both in the city and in regional theater productions up and down the east coast. He was a frequent visitor to Philadelphia, performing at the Philadelphia Theater Company, the Walnut Street Theater, The Harold Prince and the Festival Theater for New Plays. After marrying, Dan and his wife Alisa relocated to Brooklyn and when their daughter was three, they decided to move to the "burbs". Dan eventually left acting and moved behind the camera, shooting, directing and editing video productions. In 2018, it was time for another change. Empty nesters, yearning for city life, Dan and Alisa moved to Old City Philadelphia. Dan is thrilled to be back in Philly, the town he fell in love with during his Temple U. days. He plans to do some acting again while continuing his work in video production.
Character Actor
Dan has performed in a wide range of parts, both classical and contemporary, straight plays as well as musicals, dramas and comedies, while playing both young and old characters. He has always been most at home, putting on a wig or mustache, gravitating toward the quirky and eccentric.
Makeup Transformation
Academy-award winning makeup artist, Kevin Haney transforms Strickler into Sir Edison Fitzwilly.
Commercial & Industrial Film
As a result of his first New York show, the hit, "Jules Feiffer's Hold Me!," he obtained agent representation and started booking commercials and industrial films. For many years, he had a very successful "commercial career", booking over 150 commercials and industrials, as well as the occasional soap opera.
Commercial Reel
Reviews & Pix
The Christmas Carol
as Bob Cratchit with Richard Kiley
Moby Dick Rehearsed
as Ahab
SECOND STAGE, PHILADELPHIA"There is no attempt to encompass the breadth of Melville's cosmic terror. The interest here is in incident and in the figure of Ahab cracking slowly under the strain of his obsession with killing Moby Dick. Dan Strickler draws an Ahab so consumed by that obsession that at the end there seems to be nothing left of the man but his stricken eyes."
William B. Collins - Philadelphia Inquirer
Isn't it Romantic
as Marty with Robin Leslie Brown
Coming Attractions
with Griffin Dunne & Christine Baranski
"Most important, it has a near-perfect cast ... Dan Strickler is no less triumphant in an equal variety of parts, for example as the chaplain in said execution (in which the condemned man is told, "Sure you're tense; who wouldn't be? It's national television!"), who demurs at such lines as "May God have mercy on your soul" and prefers a more secularly ecumenical "Good Luck!"
John Simon - New York Magazine
The Lion & the Lamb
as Bert Lahr with Robert McCallum
"Dan Strickler's handling of this difficult role was almost flawless."
Gene Dixon - The Courier-Post
Oh Kay
as the Duke of Durham with Jim Maxwell
"The consistent show-stopper of the evening was Dan Strickler as the Duke of Durham. Of course, with P.G. Wodehouse dialogue, there are bound to be some funny things, but Strickler's side-splitting handling of the "homely little boy" story was a gem of audience milking in the most flattering sense of the phrase"
Thor Eckert - Christian Science Monitor
As You Like It
as Jacques with Henry Hoffman
"The comic highs of this production were ironically provided by the melancholy Jacques, who recites the classic "All the world's a stage" line. With shoulders hunched and feet dragging, Dan Strickler played him as a chain-smoking, whiskey-guzzling misanththrope so down on the world that you couldn't help but laugh."
Richard Dodds - Time-Picayune
Jules Feiffer's Hold Me!
as Bernard with Kathleen Chalfant
HAROLD PRINCE THEATER, PHILADELPHIA"Dan Strickler is wonderfully sappy and repressed as Bernard, going quietly mad in style."
Jonathan Takiff - The Philadelphia Daily News
as Jocko with Linda Lee Johnson
"I laughed long and hard and thrilled to the performances of Linda Lee Johnson and Dan Strickler."
Arch Campbell -WRC-TV
And When She Stops
Nobody Knows
20 roles with Marcia Mahon
"In the course of the evening, Strickler takes on more than 20 roles, switching in the blink of an eye from father to grandfather to social worker to butler to 5-year-old boy. The list goes on and on. Every one of these cameo roles emerges with a unique accent and a distinctive face. Strickler is a master actor."
Robert Baxter - The Courier-Post
True West
as Austin with Ken Hardeman
"Dan Strickler's Austin is particularly good, an incipiently cheeky wimp at the beginning of the play, a bubbling pixie as liquor and the role-change release him and a desperate little-boy-lost at the end."
Gerald Weales- The Philadelphia Inquirer
When the Bough Breaks
as Dr. Sachs with Michael Mantel
"At first Dan Strickler's Sachs seems cold and withdrawn, insensitive to the needs of the devastated parents. What is discovered as his rather remarkable performance goes on is that Strickler has created a doctor who himself is struggling with many of the same questions that face the parents each time one of these cases crops up."
Clark Groome - Philadelphia Inquirer
Awake and Sing
as Sam Feinschrieber with Morris Carnovsky
HARVARD REPERTORY THEATER"There is a beautiful performance by Dan Strickler as the poor Sam Feinschreiber, who is swindled into marrying Bessie, whom he loves very much, and who discovers she doesn't love him. Mr. Strickler says simply, "I am a very lonely man," you believe him and believe in the play ...
Elliot Norton - Boston Herald American
Flying Blind
as Dan
THE HAROLD CLURMAN THEATER, NYC"There is a disciplined and effective performance by Dan Strickler in the difficult role of the sensitive hero ...He communicates the character's pain without resorting to excessive devices, and evokes sympathy."
The Country Wife
as Sir Jasper Fidget
HARVARD REPERTORY THEATER"Dan Strickler as Sir Jasper Fidget, the folish husband who throws his wife into Horner's embrace, was just deliciously daft."
Otile McManus - The Boston Globe
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